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Padel courts update

The Padel court installation is complete and the courts are in use.  Dan is in the process of setting up his Academy groups with the beginners having already had their first lesson.

Latest news


Laying the concrete for the Padel courts has meant that some damage has been done to (what was) the middle tennis court.  We will need to assemble a team to re-paint the court once the Padel courts are finished and the rain has passed. 

Recent achievements

  • A temporary step up to the Padel courts has been installed for safety.

Short term goals

  • Install handrail to front steps
  • Finish Area around Padel courts

Longer term goals

  • Repair the driveway and create better parking
  • Repair the wall & steps up to the entrance
  • Renovate the BBQ area so that it can be used for future events